Inner Beauty

The book of Proverbs ends just as it began-with an admonition
to fear the Lord. In (
Proverbs 31) we are introduced to the Virtuous
Women, the women who is revered for her fear of GOD. We are not
perfect women, as some have thought; we are godly. We are not
striving; we are living out of the center of a life that fears or reveres
GOD, and our values and choices prove it.
These women have found security in our relationship with the Lord.
Our value system is not that of the world.
We have not allowed the world to conform us to its
ways, but has rather been “transformed by the renewing of minds” and is able to discern the will of GOD
(Rom. 12:2)
Our culture is constantly bombarding us with messages about how
we are to look and dress and what size we should wear in order to be valuable.
The world says that youth, wealth and celebrity are important.
But women who knows the living GOD does not live for such superficiality.
We realize that true beauty is within and is reflected in how we imitate Christ and how we treat others.
What purse we carry or what car we drive is not even on our
radar screen. Instead, we are living to love our Lord and to serve
Him more readily.
We live from an eternal vantage point, devoted
to advancing GOD’S Kingdom agenda.
Thus, He entrusts us with “true riches”
(Luke 16: 11)
The Lord is able to work through us to accomplish more than we could “ask or think according to the power that works in us”
(Eph. 3:20).
Wise women live and makes decisions based on GOD’S Word. We
are free to love and respect our husbands and care for our household
without demanding they meet unmet needs in our lives.
We also care for the poor, and “on our tongues is the law of kindness”
(Prov. 31 :20,26)
We build others up instead of tearing then down.
GOD alone is our source is wisdom, strength, grace, love and joy.
These virtues flow forth from women who recognizes our hearts are
more important than our outward appearance.
The “Virtuous wife” is simple a picture of women whose lives reflects our relationship and commitment To GOD
(Proverbs 10-31)
I encourage you to allow these
women whom GOD praises to be a role model for you.